NEED HELP? Call CAST’s 24-Hour Hotline    
888-KEY-2-FREE (888-539-2373)    

We are the nation’s largest provider of comprehensive, life-changing services to survivors and an advocate for groundbreaking policies and legislation.

Survivor Icon - Flexing Muscle

350+ survivors
in FY2016

Legal Icon - The Scales of Justice

6,194 legal services
in FY2016

Services Icon - Hand holding People

6,782 social services
in FY2016

Phone Hotline Icon - Phone Ringing

1,347 hotline calls
in FY2016

For two decades, CAST has supported thousands of survivors on their journey to freedom, from counseling and mentorship, to legal resources and housing, to education and leadership training.

2018 From Slavery to Freedom Gala. Explore >
Help CAST continue to transform lives. Get Involved>
Become a survivor leader. Find out how >

Thanks to our generous supporters, CAST is able to empower hundreds of survivors every year.