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Community outreach is the most effective way to find victims and educate people on the issue of human trafficking. CAST provides vital training to law enforcement, service providers, government agencies, health care partners, law firms, corporations, faith-based organizations and community groups.

Human Trafficking 101 Training

CAST offers a variety of local public speaking engagements, from specialized training on identifying victims of human trafficking to giving speeches or sitting on panels.

Request a speaker for
your next event

Pro Bono Training

CAST’s pro bono program is a key component of CAST’s work with trafficking survivors and enables survivors to access critical legal services. Pro bono attorneys advocate on behalf of survivors of human trafficking and help them take important steps to rebuild their lives. CAST provides a variety of pro bono opportunities, including immigration advocacy, criminal victim-witness advocacy, and civil litigation.

All pro bono attorneys are required to attend CAST’s comprehensive legal training, “Human Trafficking 101” which introduces human trafficking and legal advocacy on behalf of trafficking survivors. This training is offered at least twice a year in Los Angeles, CA and offers 6 hours of MCLE credit to participants.

Learn more about CAST’s
Pro Bono Program
Sign Up For Updates
on Pro Bono Trainings

Trauma-Informed Lawyering

With the growing need to provide representation for survivors of human trafficking, CAST’s Training and Technical Assistance team has created an online, introductory course focused on how to represent survivors of trafficking from a trauma-informed and person-centered lens. This course is designed to provide legal practitioners with basic and practical skills to ensure they are prepared to represent survivors of trafficking and the intersecting needs survivors face.

Access this course Trauma-Informed Lawyering Resources Sign Up for Notifications of Future Trainings

On Demand E-Learning Courses

CAST provides free online courses for legal providers and social service providers on a variety of topics. Completion of any online course and passing of the accompanying self-test assessment give access to CAST’s online cloud drive of templates and resources. All courses are available at no cost thanks to support from the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) and the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW).

Register for
On Demand Courses for Legal Providers
Register for
On Demand Courses for Social Service Providers

Individualized Technical Assistance

CAST Training and Technical Assistance program provides free support to legal and social service providers, law enforcement, and program managers assisting trafficking survivors with legal needs. We often experience a high volume of demand. We endeavor to respond to a technical assistance request within 15 business days, but this is not always possible. Priority is given to requests from (1) OVC and OVW grantees, (2) requests related to court or filing deadlines, and (3) those who have completed a CAST eLearning course or in-person training.

Technical Assistance Request Form